player clearances
A player who wishes to transfer to or from a club in the Basketball SA Metro & District (Junior, Youth League, Senior or NBL1 Central) Competition must receive a clearance.
The clearance process differs depending on whether the clearance is:
– local (ie between two clubs in the Basketball SA district competition)
– intrastate (ie one of the clubs is in the Basketball SA district competition and the other is elsewhere in SA)
– interstate/NBL/WNBL (ie one of the two clubs is in another state or is an NBL/WNBL team)
– international (ie one of the two clubs is in another country)
Depending on the competition, there may be other by-laws relating to clearances, including the time during a season that a player may be cleared, or the number of players that may be cleared during a season. In particular, the Basketball SA District By-Laws prevent a player from playing for a new club if they have already played a game for one club in the same season.
For more information, please check the competition by-laws, or contact Basketball SA.
Local Transfers
For transfers between clubs within the Basketball SA district competitions, a clearance must be applied for via an email or letter to the club secretary of the current club. This email must mention the player’s name and the club to which the player is applying to be cleared. If the application is via email, the Basketball SA Competitions Assistant (districtleagues@basketballsa.com.au) should be copied on the email.
The club must respond within 14 days, either granting the clearance, or providing a reason why the clearance cannot be granted. The only legitimate reason for not granting a clearance is if the player is not financial with the Club or holding club equipment.